ProWo: Business English and entrepreneurship
26. Januar 2018 ·
On Monday, we learned some basic business English phrases and words. Afterwards, our instructors introduced us to some basics about entrepreneurship and how to discuss business ideas. Then we thought about an fictitious business we would discuss the next day.
On Tuesday, we talked about strategies in a job interview. We practiced this by thinking about answers to questions that are frequently asked. We finished the topic by doing some research about do’s and don’t’s during a job interview. The last thing we did was discussing business ideas that would improve our school life.
On Wednesday, we further discussed and decided on business ideas. We then set to check if there is a possibility for our idea to work. We talked about potential client groups and the advantages of our idea by using the business model canvas.
On Thursday, we began our day preparing a survey. We then separated and went out to talk to the students and asked them the prepared questions. We finished the day by evaluating the results of our survey, and whether or not our idea would work.
To finish up the project week (Friday), we teamed up with some other projects that are focused on English. We went to the cinema to watch the film “The Greatest Showman” in its original version, which means it´s in English without subtitles.
It was a week in a small group, but we all used our full potential and achieved the goals we have set ourselves. Our working climate felt very calm and concentrated.
Dies ist ein Bericht von der Projektwoche 2018.
- Mehr zum Thema: Englisch · Projektwoche
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